What is Metal Stamping?

Metal Stamping is a specific manufacturing process that uses flat metal sheets, also called blanks, to form the metal into specific shapes. Here at Gemco, we make every part to our customer’s print, meaning we don’t have any catalog items but if a customer needs a specific part, like a bracket, with a certain shape or dimension, we can make that part for them with their custom shape and dimensions met.

Metal stampings can be a simple as a washer or as complicated as a failsafe jet engine part. Metal stampings come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes so sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re looking at a part that is metal stamping part. A good indicator that it’s a stamped part is if the part size is on the smaller size. Once a part get’s too large it probably is machined or welded. We have made some pretty large parts here at Gemco but after a certain size the part needs to be completed with some secondary operations as our machines can only handle .125″ thick, and up to 10″ wide.

Metal Stamping Techniques:

Metal stamping includes a number of unique techniques in its process that allow for complex parts to be created right out of the machine:Custom Metal Stamped Parts

Blanking – When a piece is cut off the material. Usually used for another process to be added to it.

Punching – When a piece of material is removed, leaving a hole where it was.

Embossing – When the material is stretched into a shallow depression. Used mostly for decorative purposes.

Coining – when a pattern is pressed or squeezed into the material. The process is used on our coins.

Bending  – When the flat metal sheet is bent along a straight line

Ironing – The material is squeezed and reduces in thickness.

These processes could be done in a single operation or multiple depending on the complexity of the part.

Metal Stamped parts

Why choose metal stamping?

Cost savings – Stamping is one of the most cost-effective ways to produce a large number of parts with minimal investments. Depending on the exact process needed you will need to invest in tooling but the piece price is often minimal when it comes to large volume orders.

Time-saving – Many machines can run thousands to millions of parts over a short time period. These means quick turn around times for customers and shorter lead times to receive your parts.

Quality – Both power press and four-slide machines can guarantee high-quality parts with every run with its precise process used for each part. This allows Gemco to promise tight tolerances and high-quality parts delivered in every run.